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Browser extension wallet for the Lightning Network, designed to facilitate easy online payments and interactions with web-based services.
A non-custodial open-source Lightning Wallet with a WebLN browser.
Mobile-focused Bitcoin and Lightning wallet designed for ease of use, featuring a user-friendly interface and multiple storage options.
Focuses on delivering a seamless Lightning Network experience with features like a Point of Sale mode and automatic channel management.
Electrum itself is pure Python, and so are most of the required dependencies, but not everything.
Mobile wallet designed for advanced users, allowing full control over a Bitcoin Core node via its intuitive interface.
Mobile Bitcoin and Lightning wallet aiming for simplicity and ease of use, featuring seamless Lightning Network integration for fast and low-fee transactions.
Free and open-source Lightning wallet and accounts system. LNbits can run on top of any Lightning funding source. It supports LND, CLN, Eclair, Spark, LNpay, OpenNode, LightningTipBot, and with more being added regularly.
Bitcoin wallet that focuses on transparency and usability, featuring advanced features like coin selection and multisig setups.
Privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that integrates CoinJoin technology for enhanced anonymity.
Mobile Lightning Network wallet that allows you to connect to your own node, providing a full suite of node management features from your mobile device.